Hookup Apps & Tips

7 Ways to Move On From Your Ex and Show Them What They’re Missing

Trying to make your ex jealous by posting on social media can be a tricky game to play, but it’s one that some people may find themselves engaging in. If you’re looking for ideas of what kinds of posts will help get the message across that you’re moving on and doing just fine without them, this article is here to help. We’ll discuss the types of posts that are likely to make your ex take notice and how best to go about making sure they stay aware of all the exciting things going on in your life.

How to Use Social Media to Make Your Ex Jealous

So, you’re looking for a way to make your ex jealous using social media. It’s not easy, but it can be done if you know how to do it right. Here are some tips that may help:

  • Be confident and post positive updates about yourself – Show off your accomplishments and post pictures of yourself having fun with friends and family. Doing this will show your ex that you don’t need them in order to be happy and successful.
  • Share pictures of new relationships – If you’ve moved on from your ex, post pictures of the new person in your life on social media (with their permission).

What Not to Post When Trying to Make Your Ex Jealous

When trying to make your ex jealous, it is important to remember that there are certain types of posts that will backfire and just make you look desperate.

Don’t post anything too sexual or suggestive. This can come across as desperate and immature, and won’t actually make your ex jealous. It might even drive them further away!

Also, avoid posting about how much fun you’re having without them. If you are out having a good time with friends, don’t post about it in an effort to try and make your ex jealous—it will only come off as petty and vindictive.

Benefits of Making Your Ex Jealous

Making your ex jealous can be an effective way to get them back into your life, or at least keep them interested. When done in the right way and for the right reasons, it can help you to gain a better understanding of how your ex truly feels about you.

It also allows you to show that you are a desirable person who is still living their best life despite the breakup. Making your ex jealous may also persuade them to reach out and rekindle the relationship as they will be reminded of all the good times they had with you.


The Hinge dating website is a popular choice for people looking to make their ex jealous. With its wide variety of potential matches, it’s easy to find someone who could be the perfect strategies for creating engaging openers fit. The site also offers its users the ability to post photos, stories, and other content in order to show off their lifestyle and interests.

By utilizing this feature, you can easily create an attractive profile that will draw attention from your ex and make them jealous of your newfound love interest. However, it’s important to remember that posting too much about yourself or your new relationship can backfire if you’re not careful.

Plenty of Fish

If you’re looking for a dating app to make your ex jealous, Plenty of Fish is an excellent choice. It’s easy to use and boasts one of the largest user bases in the industry.

Plus, its advanced search capabilities mean you can quickly find potential matches who are exactly what you’re looking for. Whether you want to showcase your latest accomplishments or post photos of yourself having fun with friends, Plenty of Fish makes it easy to create an online profile that will turn heads.


TinderMeets is an online dating app that has been gaining a lot of popularity lately. It’s easy to use, and it offers users the opportunity to meet new people through its various features. One of the most popular features on TinderMeets is its ability to help users make their ex jealous.

Users can post pictures, videos, and other content that they know will make their ex jealous. This feature makes it easier for people to get revenge after a breakup without having to resort to more extreme measures. The app also allows users to block or unblock someone if they are feeling uncomfortable with the situation.

Tips for Moving On After Making Your Ex Jealous

Moving on after making your ex jealous can be difficult, but it is possible. Focus on yourself and the things that make you feel happy and fulfilled. Take up hobbies that inspire you, challenge yourself with new activities, and strive to become the best version of yourself.

Make sure to take time for self-care and avoid situations where your ex might be present. Set healthy boundaries in order to protect yourself from hurtful interactions or conversations with them. Don’t forget to reach out to friends or family members for support as you navigate through this time of healing.

What are the best strategies for creating a successful long-term relationship?

The best strategies for creating a successful long-term relationship involve open communication, mutual respect, and commitment. Establishing trust is also essential in any relationship. This means being honest with each other and having your partner’s best interests at heart. It’s important to create shared experiences that bring you both joy and help you grow together as a couple.

How can you tell if your partner is no longer interested in you?

There is no sure-fire way to know if your partner has lost interest in you, but there are some signs that can indicate that they might not be as interested anymore. If your partner used to be very attentive and affectionate towards you but now seems more distant or distracted, it could be a sign of waning interest. If they don’t seem to listen when you talk or don’t show much enthusiasm for things you do together, those could also be indicators of their waning interest.

What tips would you give to someone trying to make their ex jealous?

It’s understandable to want to make your ex jealous, especially if they hurt you or moved on before you were ready. However, it’s important to remember that the goal isn’t necessarily just to make them feel uncomfortable—it’s to ultimately empower yourself and show yourself off click for more info in the best light possible. Here are some tips for using social media as a platform for doing this: